Saturday, June 03, 2006


Speaking of Hoovers

On Hoover's watch, of course. What more un-lasting evidence of Republican economic principle do we need than the World War I Veterans' Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, DC.

The money for this monument came, not from taxpayers, not from major philanthropists, and certainly not from corporate donors. Oh no, it came from DC School Kids. Dedicated in 1931 by the father of trickle down economics himself, not far from the future site of Hooverville itself, this once proud marble bandstand proclaimed pride and gratitude to the Soldiers of Washington who fought in the first planetary confligration.

To quote Ed Koch, "How're we doin'?". Uh, not so well, as it turns out. Seems since the budgetary slash at Interior under the Administration of the Senile Fool and the Two-Watt Bulb, the Memorial deteriorates. It's now overgrown with weeds and the ubiquitous sumac trees, and has made the preservations society's list of endangered buildings.

Republicans are the ultimate proponents of "throw-away" society. Use it up now. Do it cheaply. Make a buck. Make lots of bucks. The future be damned!


What's the difference between a Hoover and a Harley-Davidson?

The Hoover has the dirtbag on the inside.

Once again, we of the inner Beltway have been subjected to Rolling Chunder, an invasion of lost souls on two wheels who once stood for something real.

I say once. When they endorsed Bush over Kerry, they lost ALL possible credibility, and btw, they better not have any goddam breaks in their tax status. They are now a political action committee. And who is it that encourages, coddles, and promotes this idiocy every year? Why are they allowed to take the forum of the streets in arrogant and discourteous fashion?

Now they have the unmitigated gall (god, I love that phrase; always have...) to complain, complain mind you, about the state of the Veterans Affairs office, and the loss of personal data through this mysterious (and obviously staged) theft of identity records. "What pension, Mr. Dirtbag?" Yes it's obviously coming to that, but I, as usual, digress.

Today's missed point is that after assisting in the process whereby a suit would be ensconced as the head of the agency by the very president whose candidacy they backed, they get a firsthand look at the philosophical havoc wreaked by "soak up" Reaganomic policy. Rather than an advocate with personal experience who looks out for the interest of the Veteran, we have a business administrator whose mission in life is to protect and defend the bottom line. This situation succinctly illustrates one of the very fundamental differences between a Republican, Corporate driven philosophy and the principles of a democratic leadership.

You goddam dirtbags went along with the swift boat crap because it was redneck chic to do so. You got that goddam moron re-not-elected, and now you have the nerve to complain about Straight-Line Pure Republican policy as it relates to you and your livelihood?

You buy into liberal-bashing like Imelda Marcos at a PayLess Sale. Put a muffler on it, and get out of my town.

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