Friday, July 13, 2007


More reasons to hate Republicans

Oh yeah, like I really need another. Actually, it's just another facet of the same ol' bullshit where the rich get richer. It's the shameless way that political appointees have caved into pressure from the NAB and allowed the Copyright Royalty Board to assist Sony, Columbia, EMI, and ilk to suppress competition to it's corporate-controlled outlets like ClearChannel, Bonneville, RadioOne, et. al. from Internet Radio streamcasts. While done in the name of protecting the rights of the performers, I can assuredly state as a member of AFM that the only thing being protected here is the fat heap of money that big business reaps at the hands of the lowly musician.

Speaking of corporate-run America, how 'bout that auction of "public" airwave spectrum that has the FCC has been shepherding? Now that a portion of the juicy TV wavelengths are available, a corporate feeding frenzy has been taking place. Funny that although the nation's first responders have been clamoring for allocation of part of that spectrum for a unified communications system, it seems that DHS is standing silently by on the sidelines while big players and smaller parasites scoop up the goodies. Odd, too, that the winning bids are remarkably low for what represents multi-billion dollar property. Hell, I could have afforded a slice o' the pie, and I'm broke and bankrupt.

By the way, The Washington Post is becoming a terrible newspaper, falling victim to the the WTOP editorial style. Here's an example of shallow journalism with as little fact-finding as possible as it relates to the Internet Radio Mess. I'd sure like to know which Judge dismissed this case. Guess I'll have to go to the WSJ for relevant information, if I can get there before ol' Rupert does. Another BS article from said DC Post about the fire sale at the FCC leaves out the most interesting part, to me, about the whole story. Where is the money going to go?

Alas, we know goddam well where it's going to go.

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